Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapters 3 & 4 Postings

Chapter 3
1. My favorite music group that like when I was younger was actually N*SYNC. I know it sounds completely childish, but I was a child and I was interested in music. I was about 9-years-old when I first liked them. I even went to one of their concerts when they were in Charlotte. It was around when I was about 13-years-old. The reason that I think that this music was important because it got me started into listening to more music and get me started into singing chorus for seven years in middle school and in high school. I know it also got me into listening to more of not only their other CDs but to other popular groups and musicians.

5. I think that the Internet does both hurts and helps musical artists in many different ways. The Internet can be used to help promote their upcoming concerts and to advertise their albums. Also, their fans can also post pictures of them while they are at premieres or at awards shows. One thing that can hurt them is that if they are caught doing something that is against the law and the news broadcast it on the television, then there will be videos of them being publically embarrassed and it will make their fans lose interest in them and will think that they are just a joke and that they do not deserve where their reputations as musical artists.

Chapter 4
1. My earliest memory of listening to the radio for the very first time was when I was a freshman in high school. I was actually 15-years-old when I first listened to the radio while getting ready for school. Then after that, I was paying attention to the morning show on 107.5 and that they were doing the secret sound contest. I also liked some of the different phone calls that they were getting and hearing the different stories that were coming in and whatever the stories were about. The stories were really funny and some were just hurtful to hear on the radio. But I also liked the music that they played on the station and that they did some games that involved the music, including playing the music that was written by an artist that went to my high school who graduated a year before me.

5. I think that the radio could be used to improve the social and political discussions in the United States by making sure that the radio station show’s hosts try to stay on topic on whatever they are talking about. There are radio talk show host who can easily get off topic on the discussions that they are talking about while doing their shows. I have experienced this while listening to one radio show on a station back home. They can even get off topic when they have a guest on their shows and do it while they are in the middle of an interview with them. I believe that would be a way to improve the situation.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chapters 1 and 2 Posts

Chapter 1
1. One television program that I used to like when I was younger was the Nickelodeon TV show Rugrats. Every Saturday morning, I would wake up to watch it in our living room and would always laugh on how those babies would make the simplest things an adventure. When I got older, I started getting over them because it was becoming more of a child’s television program. I think that I started getting over Rugrats was because that I was becoming older and that I started to think that the program was best suited for a young child to watch. I believe that watching the Rugrats as a child has really helped me shape my identity because I really like working with younger children and helping them out with whatever problems they need help with.

4. One thing that I will condemn on is the television show that is on Comedy Central, South Park. A brief description of the show is that it is based on a small town called South Park, Colorado and the town’s people get into all sorts of situations that deal with things that are currently going on in the world today. I really do find some of the things that are displayed from that show really offensive. I’ve analyzed that this show has been shown on television for almost 15 years and still continuing. My interpretation of the show is that it just makes fun of the things that go on in the world today and that it makes offense of people and ridicules them. My evaluation on this is that I am really surprised that the producers of this show have not been sued yet. I would say that some people should not be fully engaged to watch this show because it would really hurt their feelings and that they would wind up hurting some people.

Chapter 2
1. My first encounter with the Internet was really outstanding. It was much better than my experiences with my CD player and with my calculator. It hardly compares to my experiences with my other devices because through the Internet, I was able to view web sites that gave information about upcoming movies that came into theaters and about what products from certain department stores’ web sites were available. When I discovered YouTube on the Internet, I enjoyed it more than listening to my CD player, but I still used it at several occasions. Discovering the new ways of looking up information for research projects also helped me better than looking up the books in my school’s library. Learning how to use the Internet was the best thing ever.

2. Some of the possibilities of the Internet’s future that I am excited about are discovering new ways to make the Internet run must faster in our homes and that we will be able to retrieve our information much quicker than ever. The reason for this possibility is that reason is that most people receive information from their computer real slow and that there are people want the information to come faster. But one thing that is troubling is that the computers in the world could come alive or a simple computer virus suddenly starts to think for itself and starts taking control of all the computers in the world. Just like in the third Terminator movie. With the way the Internet works and how computers can be set to times to run certain programs, it could become possible.

Sunday, January 16, 2011