Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 7 Post

Chapter 7:
2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience. My parents were very strict on me about watching movies that had some of the stars in movies almost taking their clothes off. It was many my mother who was strict on me about that, because I was just a young child and that she did not want that to ruin my personal mind and have any situational thoughts. As I got older, my parents did care about any of the movies that I watched as long as I did not do anything that would get me into trouble or anything that would hurt me. I really liked the Jackass movies and my parents didn’t mind me watching them, as long I didn’t try any of the stunts from the movies.

3. How often do you go to the movie theaters today? How often do you play DVDs on a television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why? I go to the movie theaters about two or three times a month. I do not go every week because the ticket prices for the movie theaters are just high and would kill my checking account. I play my DVDs both on my DVD player and on my computer. I would play movies on my laptop whenever I am on a trip or I am not near my television. I watch movies on my television almost every week whenever I am not busy with homework or any other work that I have to get done. I actually prefer watching movies from DVDs because the ticket prices at the movie theaters would put me in debt in my checking account.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chapter 6 Post

Chapter 6
1. How many cable channels do you watch regularly? What programs do you watch? What attracts you to a certain channel? I watch about at least about 12 different cable channels regularly but not all in one day. Some of the different cable channels that I watch are CBS, TBS, SciFy, TNT, Nickelodeon, Spike TV, and the CW. Some of the programs that I watch on these channels are Friends, CSI: NY, Justified, Supernatural, Family Guy, iCarly, and Spongebob Squarepants. What attracts me to these certain channels is because of the shows that they stations broadcast and what goes on during the programs. I love to enjoy what comes on the programs and how they keep me in suspense when they show clips of the new episodes that premieres the following week.

4. CNN and MTV have changed our society as well as the global culture. Have these changes been positive or negative? Explain. I believe that the changes of CNN were positive because CNN gives people events that are going on in the world today. It also presents even the small events go on in the world. But they talk about the major news stories on the television and they keep talking about them for almost a half hour. I believe that the changes for MTV were negative because originally it was a music station for people wanting to listen to music. But now the station was changed to have reality television shows that are just plain stupid and barely show music videos done by some of our favorite artists and make their videos shown early in the morning. After that, they just show programs of people doing normal things in their daily lives.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chapter 5 Post

Chapter 5:

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching television. What was your favorite show? Which, if any, shows did your family watch together? Were there shows that you were not allowed to watch? Which ones and why? My favorite television show when I was young was Stargate Atlantis. It is a spin off from the original Stargate SG-1 to where an expedition team goes to another galaxy and encounters the lost city of Atlantis. The expedition also finds new technology and deals new enemies in this galaxy. This show always kept me at my feet. One show that my family would watch together was CSI. We always watched this show to help us understand science much better and also to see some of the laughs and the crime scene investigators would solve the crimes and would get puzzled after each case. There were not a lot of shows that my parents didn’t want me to watch, so I was able to watch anything before I went to bed.

2. How much television do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite program(s)? The amount of television that I watch today is around six hours during the day. The hours will vary throughout the weeks due the amount of time that I am away from my room. I love to watch a lot of television in order to keep up with today’s society. The programs that I watch regularly are Friends, Criminal Minds, and CSI: NY. What attracts me to these shows is that I like what they are about and that they give me wonderful entertainment. For example, Friends is a comedy show and the stuff that the cast do and whatever they get into makes me laugh and brings me joy.