Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chapter 7 Post

Chapter 7:
2. Do you remember seeing a movie you were not allowed to see? Discuss the experience. My parents were very strict on me about watching movies that had some of the stars in movies almost taking their clothes off. It was many my mother who was strict on me about that, because I was just a young child and that she did not want that to ruin my personal mind and have any situational thoughts. As I got older, my parents did care about any of the movies that I watched as long as I did not do anything that would get me into trouble or anything that would hurt me. I really liked the Jackass movies and my parents didn’t mind me watching them, as long I didn’t try any of the stunts from the movies.

3. How often do you go to the movie theaters today? How often do you play DVDs on a television at home, or watch movies on a computer? Which experience do you prefer and why? I go to the movie theaters about two or three times a month. I do not go every week because the ticket prices for the movie theaters are just high and would kill my checking account. I play my DVDs both on my DVD player and on my computer. I would play movies on my laptop whenever I am on a trip or I am not near my television. I watch movies on my television almost every week whenever I am not busy with homework or any other work that I have to get done. I actually prefer watching movies from DVDs because the ticket prices at the movie theaters would put me in debt in my checking account.

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