Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chapter 8 Posts

Chapter 8:
2. Why do you think people aren't reading U.S. daily newspapers as frequently as they once did? Why is newspaper readership going up in other countries? I believe that people are not reading many U.S. daily newspapers that frequently is because they are now getting use to watching the news in the mornings while getting ready for work or for school. Another reason is that some people really don’t want to keep paying the subscription to their newspapers anymore due to the fact that they are turning their attention to the television news stations and that the newspaper companies also post their news articles on the Internet on their websites as well. Newspaper readership goes up in other countries because they people in some of those countries do not have news stations and that all they have to know about any of the world events that go on during today’s society.

5. Will blogs and other Internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response. I do believe that blogs and other Internet news services will replace newspapers sometime in the future. The reason I believe this is that a lot of people in today’s society post blogs about the events that go on in the world today and they post new blogs up almost every hour or so and they keep posting about a certain event until another news worthy event happens, then they blogger will just move on to that event. And also, some of the newspaper companies like The New York Times and USA Today have their own websites to where they just put up the articles on the Internet and it could make it easier for people to read instead.

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