Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chapters 10 & 11 Posts

Chapter 10:
1. What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why? My earliest recollections of reading books was back when I was around 7-years-old and then I started reading just plain children’s books. I will read books for pleasure on occasion and then I will read books for reasons that I need to do for assignments. I’ll read all kinds of books. I’ll read some horror and science-fiction along with drama and romance books. Those kinds of books always catch my attentions whenever I read them. I like to read horror books because they really keep me in suspense whenever I am reading and they give exact details that are going on in the book.

6. Would you read a book on an iPod or a Kindle? Why or why not? I would not read a book from either an iPod or a Kindle. I like to read books with them just sitting on my lap and just turning the page. I like to save the spot where I am in a book by just folding the corner of a page and marking where I was on that certain page. If I was reading a book through an iPod or a Kindle, I would have a hard time looking at the screen and would start having headaches. Plus, I can’t mark where I stopped reading and I would have to recharge the batteries of iPod or the Kindle.

Chapter 11:
1. What is your earliest recollection of watching a television commercial? Do you have a favorite ad? A most-despised ad? What is it about these ads that you particularly like or dislike? My earliest recollection of watching television commercials was when I was about 5-years-old. My parents always allowed me to watch television when I was younger, just as long as I didn’t watch anything that was not inappropriate for me. My favorite ad was seeing the advertisement for the new iPhone that would be available from Verizon. The ad that I didn’t like so much was the ad the T-moble phones. I don’t like those ads because they try so hard to get people to buy their phones but people end up buying phones from Verizon and AT&T. I like the ad for Verizon’s iPhone because I always wanted an iPhone but was unable to because my phone plan was to Verizon.

4. Should advertising aimed at children be regulated? Support your response. I believe advertising aimed at children should be regulated because there are ads on television that children love. Some of the ads that are provided for the children, especially for the younger aged children, are about toys, stuffed animals, children’s clothes, and services for children. The advertisements for toys or stuffed animals really catch the children’s attention because children will want to have toys and stuff animals and want these items. Every time the children go to the stores with their parents, they spend money on the toys and the profits for those toys will go up and make the advertisement commercials become even better.

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